
Links are provided below to various intellectual property sites and to sites providing business advice and funding opportunities.

Patent Searching

Patent Searching

Patent and Trade Mark Offices

U.K. Intellectual Property Office

European Union Intellectual Property Office

European Patent Office

US Patent & Trademark Office

Professional Bodies

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)

The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA)

The Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg)

Business Advice Links

Anglia Ruskin Medtech Campus
Free business support for medical technology (MedTech) businesses, supply-chain providers and start-ups

Enterprise Europe East of England
Business and innovation advice with access to contacts, information and funding

Essex Chamber of Commerce
Support and advice for all businesses in Essex

Greater Cambridge/Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership
Support for development of new and innovative ideas within the agri-tech industry

Growing your business
Advice on helping your business grow

Innovate UK
Access to funding and support for businesses and academic organisations

Business and funding advice

New Anglia Growth Hub
Support for businesses and start ups

Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
Support and advice for all businesses in Norfolk

Business advice with access to personal skills and business training courses

Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Support and advice for all businesses in Suffolk

South East Local Enterprise Partnership
Support for businesses located in Essex, East Sussex, Kent, Medway and Thurrock to fulfil their potential and create the best possible environment

Department for International Trade

Government Advice Links

Finance and Support for your business
Access to available grants and funding for businesses

Fund Map
Easy navigation to grants and funding available to businesses in the UK technology sector

Innovate vouchers
Funding for engaging expert suppliers to help business growth

Innovation Funding for Low Carbon Technologies
How to enter competitions or bid for upcoming contracts in the government funded low carbon projects

Innovate UK Funding Competition
Guidance for business and academic organisations on accessing funding

Low Carbon Innovation Fund
Equity finance for SMEs in the East of England that are contributing to the low carbon economy

The FSEGroup
Source of loan finance to support high-growth businesses based in the six counties of the East of England